
Would you Save my Soul Tonight?

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Featuring Royal Guard Theon and Lord Allaric (NPC)
Winter, Year 762 of the New Age
Glenmore, Glenwood

It was a cold winters day; snow had fallen hard overnight coating the ground and trees of the Glenwood. His breath froze as it escaped his nose as he walked slowly through the wood, resembling smoke from a nose of a dragon.The herd was in turmoil, though it was somewhat calmer now than it was in the autumn. Rut had somewhat died down now with most of the does claimed, which just left the whole king problem.They had already shown their strength by fighting against each other, bestowed their heirs and their magical abilities; it wasn’t long until the herd chose the best king to bring them out of the darkness. He had no opinion on any of the kings; he kept his opinions to himself and did his job. Many years ago he swore in front of the Gods that he’d keep the peace in the herd and defend it, along with the King. That is what all guards swore and what promise they should keep.He looked down upon the guards who ran with the exiled king, leaving their duties and the word they swore to the Gods, breaking their promise to keep the peace. He shook his head as he carried on walking. His opinion was the same with the princesses the boy king stole, along with their daughters. He had no right to them now his real lineage was revealed - he didn’t deserve any princesses. It was a disgrace that they went with them all. They belong to the herd and to the new King until they are re-assigned to a new Lord. They belong to the herd and to the new King until they are re-assigned to a new Lord. The boy king, himself, should not have ran either. He should have stayed to take his punishment like a real stag, given up the princesses he took and went into exile like that. It also leaves the princesses sired by Dru… They are gifts from the Gods, but are born from deception…

He stopped as he came to a small river, bowing to take a long drink. The water was freezing, making inside of his mouth cold as he swallowed, before bringing his head back up. It was getting late now and was time to return. He had walked a lot today, all over the Glenwood keeping an eye on everything. He had walked a lot today, walking all over the Glenwood keeping an eye on everything. He didn’t have a class today like he often did, he usually had a group of bucks, mostly made out of young guards in training, though sometimes had a young lord or two sent by their sires. He walked through an open piece of the woods, looking up as he saw the mountain ranges in the distance, covered in snow. The sun was setting beyond them, over the Blackwood territory. He somewhat missed the Ranges, the freedom and fighting with raiders that occurred there. He wouldn’t have to deal with family problems then; he would be free to do what he was meant to do - defend the herd.

It had been days since he saw his father, after the incident. His words still fresh in his mind...They still stung his heart. He swallowed hard as it all came flooding back to him. God damn it, why did he have to come back? He never wanted anything to do with him when he was younger so why now? He shook his head, he just didn’t understand. He hoped that he had left, especially after the argument they had the other day. He had expressed his disappointment in him, so what was the point of sticking around? He didn’t know what the chestnut stag expected to be honest… A part of him wanted his father is approval, wanting him to be proud of him, though he was old enough not to take it to heart. He had Lord Echo for many years when he was younger. He was the only father figure he had and was there for him, even after he had joined the guard. He hadn’t seen Echo for over a year and hoped that he was well…

Secretly, a tall figure slowly followed Theon, deep into the woods, watching his every move. The bright chestnut stag walked slowly, his mane blowing in the soft breeze, his large antlers hitting some branches as he pursued Theon. He’d pay for disgracing his family, dropping the title he had given him and associating himself with commoners! Yes… Yes he will pay for this…  He’ll make them both pay…

Theon's heart almost stopped as he halted in his tracks as he heard a branch break. He didn’t even need to look back to see who it was.

“Can I help you?” Theon said, his voice breaking the silence of the woods.

But he said nothing in reply. Theon turned around slowly, seeing the large chestnut stag standing behind him, his mane rising upward like flames. They looked at each other for a moment, almost frozen before the golden stag snorted, putting his head down and pawing at the ground in front of him. Theon snorted back, kept his head up as he squared his legs. He knew his father wasn’t here to talk, why else would he follow him this far into the woods? He was here to fight.

Before Theon could think of anything else the fire red stag reared up, and charged towards him. He spread his legs out, put his head down and met his father head on, quickly snapping his head to the side making him trip slightly and go to the side.
Theon knew from experience that pushing a larger stag when he had a good run wasn’t the best idea. He turned and met the stag again, their antlers clashing together, echoing across the woods. Although the chestnut stag was out of his prime he was still strong and taller than Theon, using his height to his advantage. They fought for what felt like hours, huffing and grunting. The stag kept jumping from side to side though Theon kept up with him - bashing his antlers back into Allaric’s pair as soon as he moved, pushing him backwards. This time his father's jumping didn’t work. Allaric attempted at jumping to the side, though Theon kept him locked on to his antlers, using the force the chestnut stag used to jump to the side, Theon threw him, making him tumble and crash to the ground with a thud. Theon came forwards again trying to keep the stag down without success. Allaric got up, moved his head and quickly bashed his long, spiky antlers into the side of Theon's face, jerking his head to the side. Theon nearly let out a scream, though held his tongue and gasped loudly, thick with horror and pain as he felt his antlers dug into his face and eye ripping three long, deep gashes down his ear, eye and muzzle. Theon stumbled backwards, pain and panic shooting through his body as he rubbed his face against his leg as blood almost gushed out of the open wounds. The stag rose to his feet, smirking, eyes flashing with rage and lust for blood as he came forwards. Theon looked up; he needed to get away from here, he could only see from his left eye so only partly seeing the stag, God damn it! Allaric snarled and came towards him against, both of them crashing either antlers together Theon skidding backwards as he tried to keep himself on his feet. More time went past, both trying to dislodge each other. Both were growing tired and Theon felt himself growing dizzy. Theon stood looking down, panting as Allaric brought his head up.

“At least you are not a terrible fighter, you're good for something,” Allaric smirked as he walked away from him though stopped a few feet from him, turning to face him hind end, “pitty you will be no fighter now.”

Theon turned his head but couldn’t move any further as he felt Allaric slam his antlers into his hind.

Theon let out a scream, echoing across through the woodland as he felt his father’s antlers rip into the muscle of his hind end. He quickly fell to the floor, pain shooting through his legs and body. Allaric stood up; blood stained his antlers, looking down at the stag whose blood started to stain the crisp white snow. He turned without a world, walking away as the younger stag tried to get up on his feet.

”Fatheerr….” He called out making the chestnut stag stop for a second, though he carried on, walking away and soon disappearing into the darkness of the woods.

Was this the way he was going to go, bleeding to death in the woods he did his best to defend? He had visions of him dying, a lot older with his mate and children by his side. He couldn’t go like this, he wouldn’t go like this! He needed to get up, and get back to the herd, the does would tend to his wounds and he could carry on. But no… he had no strength to get up, pain shooting around his body, his mind foggy from the loss of blood. He didn’t want to die like this… But he would…

”Motherrr…” he called out, his voice barely a whisper. She’d save him, she always did…

But no one came, nothing but darkness watching him, the only light which blessed his only eye was the light of the moon,  Óganach watching down upon him. He swallowed hard. He could see everything flash in front of him; all the time he spent with his mother when he was younger, all the time he spent on his own, all the time he spent training, all the time he spent in the ranges fighting, time spent with his Isold and his mother… Isold was in fawn, he’d never get to see his fawn… He couldn’t be there when the fawn grew up and be there for it, same as his father was not there for him.. He swallowed hard. They say you shouldn't be afraid of death but no, he was afraid, he was terrified that he was going to die alone in the dark…

He couldn’t die, he won’t die! Not here, not now, he will fight, someone will find him soon enough. He felt himself drift off, he’d close his eyes for a bit, keep his energy till someone rolled by…

Someone would…
I pretty much cried all the way through writing this :nuu: But this marks another chapter in Theon's life <3

Would you Save my Soul Tonight? - Art by BrokenFawnHill

Promise Rose POV and Dirty Blood - pieces that came before it :)

WC - 1755
© 2015 - 2024 BrokenFawnHill
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